Of course you need to have root password set, that's the reasonable configuration, otherwise you have a windows-like system where there are actions that nobody can perform and you are really locked out if somehow sudo isn't available (it requires working /etc/, set $PATH and other things mounted - which you may not have if something goes wrong early in boot). bash Anaconda License Agreement In the next step, it will ask you to choose a location where the anaconda will be installed. As a first step, it will ask you to read the license agreement once you press enter. That you do with su if you are already logged in as a regular user. Check File Data Integrity Now run the downloaded. Installing on Ubuntu and Debian The following steps can be used to setup NVIDIA Container Toolkit on Ubuntu LTS (18.04, 20.04, and 22.04) and Debian (Stretch, Buster) distributions. It makes much more sense to just login as root, do the administration of the system and logout. For convenience, the documentation below includes instructions on installing Docker for various Linux distributions.

libraries can similarly be compiled and installed into /lib (set LDLIBRARYPATH to point to it), and development headers can be installed into e.g.
#Reinstall anaconda using sudo linux install
The bulk of this chapter describes installation using the graphical user interface. Compile and install into /bin (and edit your. Install offline copies of documentation for many of Anaconda’s open-source packages by installing the conda package anaconda-oss-docs: conda install anaconda-oss-docs. Not to mention that using sudo makes users ignorant about how permissions and root account work. This chapter provides step-by-step instructions for installing Red Hat Enterprise Linux using the Anaconda installer. Install offline copies of both and by installing the conda package anaconda-docs: conda install anaconda-docs. However, if you have to do anything more than a single command, it's just awful constantly prefixing everything with sudo. It's just a lazy shortcut that allows you to execute a root command without actually logging in as root. 3 Answers Sorted by: 19 I found an answer in madcurie's answer for anaconda 2 : export PATH/anaconda2/bin:PATH for anaconda 3 : export PATH/anaconda3/bin:PATH for anaconda 4 : Use the Anaconda Prompt and then conda -version to confirm that it worked. As non-ubuntu user I didn't even understand at first why sudo would be a special case in any way (a lot of distributions don't install it by default). There doesn't seem to be a simple chmod -R fix, as the Anaconda files are sprinkled all over. Get started / Installation Install Streamlit Table of contents Prerequisites Install Streamlit on Windows Install Streamlit on macOS/Linux Prerequisites Before you get started, youre going to need a few things: Your favorite IDE or text editor Python 3.7 - Python 3.

I have run into all kinds of permissions problems for non-root users. This problem seems to be very ubuntu-specific. Can you tell me the best practices for installing conda for multiple users using sudo on a single machine Under sudo the files install with default owner 'root'.